Kiri Thode PWA Sylt 2013 World Champion - 04/10/2013


Kiri Thode wins the Double Elimination at Sylt and is on the best way to take the PWA Freestyle World Champion title.

Today Kiri climbed up the ranks from a 4th place in the Single Elimination to the 1st place. He managed to win three heats and twice against Steven van Broeckhoven, the winner of the Single Elimination.
The competition area was again far outside, due to the offshore wind and when Kiri came back to the beach after the final, he was welcomed by his friends and fans. Gollito Estredo and Diony Guadagnino lifted Kiri on their shoulders and carried him across the beach. Big emotions, which we seldom see on tour! The Caribbean vibes heated up the cold day (we had 6°C).

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